Sunday, April 2, 2023



Victor M Gutierrez, my ex-husband, broke our settlement of divorce leaving me totally in the street. In 2020 he used the pandemic to reduce my alimony illegally, in February 2024 he stopped payments of my life insurance. I am currently begging for help in the City of New York. I go to Samaritan Village Shelter just to sleep for a few hours, then I have no place to go but the street or my storage. I feel lost and hopeless in this shelter living in a hostile environment. The administrators doubt the credibility of my alimony by asking me to enforce the full payments since it is a Court Order. My documents show what I am receiving.

 Since 2003 Victor has tried to terminate/reduce my alimony with lies and deception but all his motions have been denied. As follows there is proof of all the attempts made by the court to reinforce payments of my alimony.

 On January 20, 2023, I asked the court to increase the percentage deducted from Victor’s Social Security. My motion was granted in part.

On March 22, 2023, I paid $5,000.00 to Ms. Barbara Cowen attorney at law using a credit card and borrowing money to enforce Victor alimony payments and arrears.

 On September 5, 2023, Victor presented another motion, and the court denied it. My attorney received a copy, but she could not do anything. Victor never responded to any communication.

 On May 26, 2022, attorneys for Victor, Venino and Venino informed the owner of the building where his business JAV American Express Multiservice is located that the business will be transferred to his stepson Jay Galvis.

On August 11, 2022, the Court ruled that Victor is acting in bad faith and he will be sanctioned if he does not comply with the court order. “…Here, the Court is of the position that sanctions are appropriate to compel the Defendant’s compliance with his Order due to Defendant’s bad faith and blatant disregard of the parties’ PSA and the Court’s prior enforcement Orders regarding the same issue addressed here.  Therefore, the Court will order that if the Defendant does not timely comply with any of the terms of this Order, he shall be sanctioned $40.00 per week for each week that he fails to pay his weekly alimony and arrears.


In 2019, Victor moved to Colombia and established a business investing in real estate.

 On 2017 Victor used a lawyer to lie and deceive the court by saying his wife Ana Galvis utilized 100% of her premarital funds to establish a small business called JAV Latin American Express Multiservice. This is a huge lie, according to Ana’s divorce Ana’s husband left nothing to her.

On March 22, 2013, the court found that Victor is the proprietor of JAV Latin American Express Multiservice, indicating that his tax return of 2011 reveals that his business earns $ 384,283 in gross receipts.

I am the person that Victor has fooled the most. On May 12, 2002, he gave me an emotional Mother’s Day card. PIC 14 On May 30, 2002, he left the house and moved to an apartment with Ana Galvis. On the tenancy application he states Ana as a wife and her son as his. Victor married Ana on August 16, 2003, while he was married to me. Our divorce was on September 18, 2003. 

Victor had already put me in a homeless situation in 2012 by terminating my alimony and reporting me as a missing/dead person while he enjoyed traveling with Ana, my former friend. 

My married life was part of Victor's professional life. I spent time with his employees to support his management image.

I know that Victor reads my blogs to report to the Court what I write. There is nothing false in this testimony: the documents show his miserable actions. His residency in Colombia allows him to ignore any kind of communication that the court and my lawyer have tried to make to contact him.

Victor, if you don't like this post and want to take legal action against me, I'll be waiting for you in New Jersey Court. Sincerely, Your homeless ex-wife

MY MARRIED LIFE... A marriage that ended in adultery with one of my married friends who betrayed me. Here are the protagonists of this never-ending story. This testimony is supported by documents that prove everything I say.

 On 1983 I met Victor when he was the manager of Avianca Colombian airline in New York. I was working for Banco de Bogotá a Trust co. from a Colombia’s bank. In June 1984 our first son was born and in July 1985 we married. I was for Victor like his business card to support his professional imagen of a married man. I raised our 3 sons by myself, and I took care of the house due to his frequent business traveling. I had to give up my dreams as an author and choose my marriage over my books.

 In the year 2000 I met Ana, soon our friendship involved our family, and we joined parties and family events. I asked Ana to help me promote my book “The American Dream” through the Spanish Association where she was secretary. In 2001 the Association asked for the collaboration of Avianca to participate in an end-of-year event. On May 30, 2002, Victor left the house and moved to an apartment with Ana. On the tenancy application he states Ana as a wife and her son as his. On August 20, 2002, Ana divorced her husband.

On December 12, 2002, Victor stated to the court that the breakup of our marriage was for my bad relationship with his mother. He states that for years we had heated arguments initiated by me involving my relationship with his mother. He said I refused to allow her into our house and send money to her in Colombia. These arguments were increasing and there was no reason to continue living together. This is totally false. I did take care of his mother and lived with her despite the miserable life she gave me.

 In 2003 I became secretary of the Hispanic association along with Ana. I was blind not to see Victor and Ana cheating on me. On August 16, 2003, Victor married Ana in a Holy matrimony.  On September 18, 2003, we had our settlement of divorce. Our divorce became a family tragedy for me and our sons with a lot of miserable events. My lawyers asked me to give up the portion of the money I was entitled to in exchange for permanent ALIMONY. In 2005 Victor established businesses with large profits. Despite  that he started making motions, lying and deceiving the court to reduce/terminate my alimony but his attempts up to today date have been failed.

 On 2012 Victor and our sons knew my decision to move to New York. Suddenly my alimony was terminated, and I became homeless using my storage as a shelter. I called him to ask about the payment of my alimony and he told me that he had declared me dead/missing.  According to him he hired a lawyer, they put an Ad in a local NJ newspaper to find me. In view of the fact that I didn’t show up, they stopped my alimony. I went to court and Victor was ordered to deposit the money in less than 48 hours. I didn’t file charges against him. December 14, 2014, he said alimony has taken a tremendous toll on his life and his marriage to the extent that his wife threatened to divorce him. In 2019 Victor moved to Colombia to get away from the alimony.  In 2020 he used the pandemic to illegally reduce my alimony leading me in a financial hardship to rent an apartment and have court dates.

 In his most recent motion dated March 8, 2023, Victor defamed me to avoid alimony payments. He is taking information from my web pages where I express the miserable life I have in New York, so the court sees me as a corrupt person. He is making a wrong and false statement in my last housing case. He states that I currently have an open eviction case, in the Bronx County courts, in Washington, in New York. According to him, I have a pending case. All his arguments are false, I have never been evicted, on July 8, 2022, I moved from this place and the case is closed. What I post on my blog is backed by evidence. Victor is making a false story to create a bad image of me and the court rules in his favor.

 Victor also brought to court events that occurred in my teenage past. He says I tricked him by not telling him details of what happened in my adolescence. He is now using this information as a reason for our divorce, different from the one he gave in the judgment of divorce that was for arguments with his mother. He also claims that our marriage was a hoax even though I was a dedicated wife and mother. I will not give up and I will fight for this right until the last day of my life, which is when my ALIMONY ends.

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